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Luxuryair Scent Product:  Premium Fragrance Oil LXS2 Diffuser

LXS2 Premium Oil Diffuser


LXS2 premium Oil Diffuser


The LXS2 is all you need in the fragrance world for spaces up to 30-50 square meters. By simply using any of our 100s of premium oils available you can create wonderful intense smelling environments.

Make your home smell like the grandest hotel, or a palm beach.

The LXS2 is a premium oil diffuser that uses advanced atomizing technology to create a fine mist of your favorite fragrance. It has a sleek and elegant design that blends in with any decor, it has a large 250ml tank which will make our premium oil last 7 months depending on settings. The LXS2 also features a timer function, it is compatible with our Atomizer Oils* Not HYSCENT.


Composite PP material

20 Intensity Settings

250ml Oil Tank

Atomization Technology




3 pcs D-Battery

Anti-corrosion Material

Table Top/ Wall Mounted

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